It’s Important to Know What Goes in the Cart!

This month we will continue our series on “WHAT GOES IN THE CART?” This is truly news you can use because what goes in your curbside recycling cart is as important as what should be left out. Why? Because putting items in the cart that don’t belong there can disrupt the whole recycling process. And that does our community, public health, economy, and our shared environment no good at all.

Knowing what goes in the cart and what should be left out make single-stream recycling work. Single stream means that all recyclable items can be put in your cart without you having to separate paper from plastic from metal cans. But single stream also means keeping the stream free from such things as food and food scraps, clothing, wire, hoses, ropes, plastic bags, and plastic wrap (including bubble wrap). And keeping bulky items like old machinery, tools, poles and anything attached to a pole or handle, out of the cart. For more information, go to, or logon to your local public works department. Those links may be found on the Regional Recycling website and at