Do Recycling Right

Sure, we all think about recycling from time to time, but do we actually take the steps to do it on a daily basis? And do it right? A lot of people might avoid recycling simply because of the confusion around what can and cannot be recycled. If this is you, we are here to make recycling simpler.

Below you will find a list of recyclables that DO and DO NOT belong in your cart. Once you learn this list you can take steps to incorporating recycling into your daily routine instead of placing everything in your trashcan. And if it helps, you can print out this list and have it tapped
above your carts, that way, you never have to forget how to do recycling right.

The following items DO belong in your recycling cart:
1. Empty plastic bottles and jugs (like laundry detergent, juice jugs, and water bottles).
2. Empty and rinsed aluminum, steel, and tin cans.
3. Paper, cardboard, cartons, newspapers, junk mail, and all paperboards. Please always remember to flatten all cardboard to fit inside your recycling cart.
4. Empty glass bottles and jars.

The following items DO NOT belong in your recycling cart:
1. NO plastic grocery bags or plastic bags of any kind.
2. NO food, food scraps, yard waste, or anything that can spoil or rot.
3. NO clothing items or fabrics.
4. NO wire, hoses, ropes, or hangers.
5. NO electronics.

Once you have a handle on what you can and cannot recycle at home, you can take the next step in your recycling journey and start utilizing your local Green Stations for even more opportunities to recycle. At a Green Station you can bring electronics, plastic grocery bags, household hazardous waste, household batteries, and other items that are not allowed in your cart at home. If you’re ready to expand your recycling game, please visit for Green Station locations, hours, and a full list of accepted items. Happy recycling!