
We recently mentioned the term “wishcycling.” Wishcycling is when you wish a certain material were recyclable, or that it should be. So, you put it in your curbside recycling cart. And hope. Folks who are dedicated to environmental correctness sometimes believe that everything can or should be recyclable. Recycling is the overall solution to healing the planet, right? Wrong. Recycling is just one strategy – and an important one – we should practice taking care of our shared environment and sustain it for generations to come. The other parts of the strategy are to reuse products as many times as we can and reduce waste wherever possible. Reuse. Reduce. Recycle. That’s our three-legged stool. So, don’t wish yourself into contaminating your curbside recycling cart with items that can’t be processed. And learn more about how to do recycling right. For more information, go to RegionalRecycling.org or MyDoRight.com.