What plastics belong in my recycling cart? Good question!

The only type of plastics that belong in your recycling cart are empty plastic bottles and jugs. Plastic grocery bags, plastic trash bags, and plastic wrapping or film all belong in your trash bins. Plastic bags are what we call ‘tanglers’, which shut down the recycling machinery. All your recyclables can go directly inside your carts, they don’t need to be sorted, and should never be in a bag.

Plastic bags are considered single-use plastics. We encourage people to use reusable bags while grocery shopping. If you happen to forget your reusable bags at home and must use plastic bags, don’t worry! You can drop off your grocery bags at one of our Green Stations in North Little Rock, Sherwood, Maumelle, or Jacksonville, or you can take them back to grocery stores like your local Kroger.

For locations, days, and times of operation of our Green Stations, go to MyDoRight.com. If you ever have questions about specific items, please reach out to our office at 501-340-8787.