New year’s resolutions to be a better recycler!

With these five simple tips you can do recycling right in 2023:

1. Cardboard is recyclable and belongs in your cart! Cardboard must be broken down, flattened, and must fit inside of the cart.

2. While a lot of plastics are recyclable, some are not accepted in the recycling carts. Empty plastic bottles and jugs belong in your cart, plastic food containers do not!

3. Empty aluminum, steel, and tin cans belong in your cart! You can leave the labels on the cans; the recycling machine has a special tool that gets labels off of the cans.

4. Food or food waste never goes into your recycling cart! It can contaminate the whole cart and may not get picked up.

5. Finally, never put plastic trash bags, grocery bags, cords, wires, or clothing in your recycling cart. These items are considered tanglers and can stop the machine from sorting properly.

These are the basics of recycling! If you ever have questions about specific items, please reach out to our office at 501-340-8787.