Spring Cleaning

Cleaning up and cleaning out are part of the spring-cleaning season. So, as you take a look at what’s under the cabinets, in the closets and storeroom, or stashed in the garage, don’t forget to spring into recycling, too. The inventory can be lengthy: old and often hazardous lawn and garden supplies, obsolete electronics, out-of-date canned goods, and plastic bottles and jugs, or glass bottles and jars of half-used consumer products that may no longer even be usable. You get the idea.

All of these items are either appropriate for the trash, the curbside recycling cart, or one of our five Green Stations. Know the difference. And when it comes to what goes in your curbside recycling cart, when in doubt, leave it out! The wrong stuff in your cart can contaminate the whole cart. For more information on recycling basics and Green Stations, go to MyDoRight.com.