Keeping your cart free of contaminants is easy!

There are a few basics to always remember when you are putting items in your cart.

The following items DO NOT belong in your recycling cart:

  1. NO plastic grocery bags or plastic bags of any kind.
  2. NO food, food scraps, yard waste, or anything that can spoil or rot.
  3. NO clothing items or fabrics.
  4. NO wire, hoses, ropes, or hangers. Remember, these are tanglers and can shut down the sorting machinery!
  5. NO electronics.

To recycle electronics please go to for our Green Station locations and hours.

The following items DO belong in your recycling cart:

  1. Only empty plastic bottles and jugs (like laundry detergent, juice jugs, and water bottles).
  2. Only empty and rinsed aluminum, steel, and tin cans.
  3. Only paper, cardboard, cartons, newspapers, junk mail, and all paperboard.

Please always remember to flatten all cardboard to fit inside your recycling cart.

If you ever have questions if a specific item belongs in your recycling cart or not, give us a call at 501-340-8787. Do recycling right!