Keep Your Curbside Cart Contamination-Free

The unofficial start of summer has come and gone. (The official start of summer is the summer solstice on June 21.) To keep your curbside recycling cart contamination-free, all you have to do is follow some very basic rules. Here they are: Always recycle empty plastic bottles and jugs. If a plastic bottle’s opening at the top is smaller than the base at the bottom, it’s recyclable. And always recycle empty aluminum, tin, and steel food and beverage cans. Plus, loose paper and cardboard. When it comes to cardboard, please break down the box and flatten it so it fits inside your cart.

The never-recycle items, those that should NEVER go in your cart, include plastic bags and wrappers, clothing, ropes, hoses, wire, electronics, and food scraps. Recycle right this summer. For more information, go to