Every day in May – Cardboard

Every day we see more and more cardboard boxes at the doors of residential customers. And stuffed into or stacked on the side of curbside recycling cart, but not in it. Here’s how important it is to recycle cardboard right. First, to be picked up by the recycling truck, cardboard needs to be broken down so it fits inside the cart. The truck can’t and won’t pick up boxes or parts of boxes lying on the ground next to the cart. The second key point about recycling cardboard is that if cardboard ends up in the landfill it will breakdown. But that’s not the end of it. As it breaks down it releases methane. And methane is more than 25 times as potent as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere. So, recycle cardboard, and recycle it right. For more information, go to MyDoRight.com.