Can I recycle this?

We get that a lot! And it’s understandable, because the marketplace drives what manufacturers want as recycled raw materials, and pure economics dictate what can be profitably collected, recycled and re-sold.

Our series titled, “Can I Recycle This?” is designed to answer the most-asked questions: Can I recycle paint? Which kinds of plastic can go in my curbside cart? What about old TVs and computers? Books? Bug sprays, pesticides and other household chemicals? What else? It’s part of our responsibility at the Regional Recycling District in Pulaski County to help the cities and the county coordinate their separate efforts, and also help inform and educate residential customers about what goes in your curbside recycle cart and what doesn’t.

The District doesn’t actually collect trash and recyclables. That’s up to the cities and the county. But we do help make sure everyone works together, whether they do it themselves, or contract with a private company like Waste Management. Learn more about the District at, and the do’s and don’ts of recycling at