This Summer, Waste Not, Want Not!

Summertime can create mounds of waste. It’s all part of being outside and carrying throw-away items with you. But there is a better way than throw-away so we all can enjoy the summer and take care of the environment we so much enjoy during great Arkansas weather. For instance, when you go outside for family-and -friends activities, remember to carry reusable items with you – plates, cups, utensils, portable food and beverage containers. That includes reusable water bottles. If you’re taking a summer road trip, be sure to pack reusable or recyclable items, including containers. And bring along some paper bags for used-up recyclable items. You should find recycle bins at most rest stops for empty cans, plastic bottles, and paper. The EPA tells us the average American creates 4.4 pounds of garbage every day. So, do the planet a favor, reduce, reuse and recycle. For more information, go to