In addition to the 3 Rs of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, there is a 4th R: Responsibility. Consumer product companies can practice social responsibility by making recyclable packaging. Manufacturers can increase their use of recycled commodities as a raw material or feedstock for their manufacturing process. Governments can even ban certain single-use items and add taxes or other fees to non-recyclable items, increasing their cost and incentivizing consumers to purchase recyclable goods. All of this could be done, of course. But even if it were done, it still is the responsibility of the consumer, each one of us, our households and businesses to practice recycling. It all begins with us. Recycling simply will not work unless consumers and businesses participate in the recycling process by ensuring our own recyclable items are deposited and collected. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Responsibility. It saves energy and money. It improves the environment and reduces air and water pollution. It conserves natural resources. It enhances community and economic development and creates new jobs. And it saves space in landfills for waste disposal.