Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle

The 3 Rs: Reuse, Reduce, Recycle. These are the three strategies for sustainability. And sustainability is what we owe our planet and ourselves. That’s why this month we will be focusing on reuse in our series we call, “Think Outside the Cart.”

Simply stated, the difference between reuse and recycling is that recycling allows the re-manufacture of a used-up item into a new, useable item. Reuse, on the other hand, means rather than tossing the used-up item in the trash, the curbside recycling cart, or dropping it off at a Green Station or other drop-off center, we use it again and again. This extends the life of the item, the product, or the container. Any item that remains in good, useable condition, should be used again. Even those plastic items that are many times single-use, like a plastic cup or fork or spoon. Or, even a plastic container and bag that once held your take-out. Rinse it out and use it again before putting it in the trash. (Take-out containers and plastic bags do not belong in your curbside recycling cart, so use them as many times as you can.)

Each week this month, we’ll give you some idea on how to reuse items.