Recycling Pickup Day Changes

This information is for Little Residents only: Recycling and garbage routes and pickup days will soon change for some residents. But only some. A little less than 12,000 folks living in different parts of Little Rock should have received a postcard from the City, and will soon see a notice on your door. This information will explain that pickup days for recycling and garbage will change because the population of the City has grown, and residential population has shifted around the city.

There are new neighborhoods, annexations, and neighborhoods that have increased population, and some that have lost population. So, keep your household clean and uncluttered, and for the City to make pick-ups more efficient and service to residents more consistent, changes have to be made.

Those changes will mean that some recycling and garbage pick-up days will move forward a day from Monday to Tuesday, Tuesday to Wednesday, and Wednesday to Thursday; while some (344 residences) will move back a day from Wednesday to Tuesday. It all depends on where you live.

Since the changes will start the week of July 27, please learn more by calling 311. Remember: Garbage is picked up every week; recycling is picked up every other week, but on the same day as garbage pick-up for that week. Recycling weeks will not change. Just the pick-up days of that week. For more information and to get questions answered, please call the Little Rock city services number at 311 (this is a non-emergency number).