Recycling is Great — Within Limits!

Recycling has its limits. We don’t like admitting that, but for recycling to work, we all need to make sure we are recycling the proper items. Why? Residential customers enjoy the convenience of what is called single-stream recycling. That means you can put all recyclable items in your cart loose, never bagged. You don’t have to separate them into categories. And with single-stream convenience comes limitations or rules. You see, after your curbside recycling cart is picked up, it goes to a Materials Recovery Center. There, a gigantic machine separates the various recyclable items so they can be further processed and sold to manufacturers who use recycled raw materials. The separation machine has many parts, and if the wrong items are fed into the machine, it can shut it down and slow down the whole process. So, know what goes in your curbside recycling cart (and into the separation machine), and what should be left out. For more information, go to