New Technology is Cool (But it Doesn’t Live Forever!)

The electronics you use – smartphones, computers and printers, old TVs and monitors, VCRs – are modern wonders, but they wear out, and the technology changes making them obsolete. These devices also contain toxic chemicals, like mercury and lead. Those chemicals shouldn’t go in a landfill. And electronics can be recycled. So, don’t put them in the storeroom or throw them away, recycle them. The Regional Recycling District in Pulaski County accepts electronics for recycling at our five Green Stations each located in Little Rock, North Little Rock, Maumelle, Sherwood and Jacksonville. Find out more at And if you would like to participate in our special fall electronics collection, come to Electronics Recycling Unplugged on Tuesday, September 25, and Wednesday, September 26, from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Verizon Arena VIP Parking Lot on East Washington Avenue in North Little Rock. Learn more at