Marketing our Recycled Materials

During the last two years, the Regional Recycling District in Pulaski County has worked to inform residential customers about what goes in curbside carts, and what should be left out. In an effort to increase this understanding, and to protect and perpetuate a viable recycling program for residential customers, the decision was made to simplify the list of acceptable items for deposit in the carts. This was due not only to respond to the need to further inform customers by simplifying the process and understanding of the overall program, but to also effectively respond to end-user markets both nationally and overseas.

We all need to continue to understand that if there is no market for recyclable materials for re-manufacturing, then the whole mission of recycling will not work. To have an ongoing and environmentally responsible recycling program, the customer should be informed on the front-end of the process precisely what materials are marketable on the back-end. It all works together. That’s why the District recently mailed a postcard to all single-family households in Little Rock, North Little Rock, Sherwood and out in the county, clearly showing folks three easy steps to simplify recycling. If you didn’t get a card, let us know by emailing and we’ll send you one.

As always, thank you for caring enough about our planet to recycle!