Contamination Creep?

That’s what we call it when non-recyclable items placed in curbside carts steadily increase. Contamination has been creeping up over that last several months and we suspect it’s because more of us are working and learning from home. But only you know for sure. When items are put in your curbside recycle cart that don’t belong in there, it messes up the whole cart and increases the contamination rate on your street and in your neighborhood. So, to be proud of your participation in responsible recycling, and to make your neighbors proud, do the right thing and do recycling right. The most effective recycling practice is to put paper, cardboard, empty metal cans and empty plastic bottles and jugs in your cart. And make sure you break down and flatten out the cardboard so it fits inside your cart. Remember — no food items, or any materials that still have food residue on them. For more information, go to