What’s the Deal with Illegal Dumps?
Did you know that dumping your belongings in places other than your trash can, recycling cart, or at a Green Station is illegal? That makes it a crime scene and means if you leave your trash on the side of the road, out in nature, in an alley, a vacant lot, or even just on your front lawn, you are breaking the law. Yikes!
Some common examples you might find at a dump site are tires, household trash, mattresses, furniture, shingles, and electronic waste that contains toxic chemicals harmful to the environment and our community. (For more information on e-waste, see our previous January 8 blog post). If you or someone you know is dumping trash, it is important to inform yourself of all the consequences. Not only will they be cited, but you are also harming the community you call home. Illegal dumps cause public health issues, decrease the property value of your neighborhood, and cost money to clean up.
Another consequence of illegal dumping is harming the environment. Illegal dumps can contaminate rivers, lakes, and your drinking water. It can contaminate soil and cause the ground to become infertile. Wildlife can also be harmed if they ingest foreign objects and attract wildlife that is not native to the area. And they can catch fire!
This is why reporting illegal dumping is so important. If you know of a dump site, or see someone dumping trash, please contact ReportDumping.com. Here, you can fill out all known information about the illegal dump and swift action will be taken to remedy the situation. Please be aware that any information you provide on this website is kept strictly confidential!