Safely Restarting, Safely Recycling

Businesses and offices in Pulaski County are re-opening, slowly and hopefully safely. The only way to sustain these openings is to follow the simple, smart guidelines for personal-health safety: Always wear a face covering when coming in contact with others (you’re doing it to protect them, and they should do it to protect you); physically distance with at least a six-foot radius between you and others; use hand sanitizer and wash your hands frequently. If we follow these three, simple rules, we and others should stay safe. There are also simple rules to follow at our five recycling Green Stations around the county: Drop-offs are for Pulaski County residential customers only, no businesses; follow the days and hours of operation listed by city at; only drop off electronics, glass, plastic bags, and household hazardous waste. Keep safe, and keep recycling. Go to to learn more about our recycling efforts.