Charged Up About Recycling Batteries

It’s time to learn about batteries. Whether they have a charge or are gone and dead, it’s important to know how to recycle your batteries properly.

The only batteries that a Green Station can accept are alkaline batteries. AA, AAA, C, and D batteries can all dropped off in the same bag. These kinds of batteries can also be safely stored together at home.

9-volt batteries are also accepted, but they must be handled with care. Did you know that your used 9-volt batteries must be taped on the ends at the tips or poles if stored together? If these batteries touch another 9-volt they can heat up, cause a fire, and even explode. Yikes! When you bring your 9-volt batteries to a Green Station, please make sure the ends are taped. It is also very important to note that you should never mix your 9-volt batteries with any other battery such as AA, AAA, C, or D. Keep them separate.

Do not bring any other batteries such as lithium, car, camera, laptop, cellphone, or any other rechargeable batteries to a Green Station. These are NOT accepted at any Green Stations. You can call Batteries Plus at 501-224-2852, to see if they accept your batteries that we don’t. Now that we know what batteries are recyclable at a Green Station, here are some battery related jokes that are sure to light-up your funny bone…

– What is a battery’s favorite fruit? Currants!
– What did the judge say to the battery? “You’re guilty as charged!”
– Why did the battery go on a date? To see if there was a spark!
– What did the battery say to the charger? “You complete me!”